
普段の生活での人の印象やエピソードを元にした現代人を描く斎藤亮輔。 彼の最大の特徴と言える鮮やかで深く美しい青い画面は、空・海・宇宙などの風景や、デジタル空間など、見る人の感覚・記憶によって捉え方が変わるということをコンセプトにしています。

Ryosuke Saito is an artist, known for his realistic portraits, which he depicts from the people he encountered. The most important characteristic of his painting, which usually have deep and vivid blue colours, represents the idea that the landscapes such as sky, sea, universe and digital spaces may be changing depending on people’s memories and senses who perceive them.
Saito says that through his works, he hopes viewers will feel that people continue to reborn day by day in terms of “thoughts” through the events of everyday life.
We hope you enjoy Saito’s latest paintings that reminds us of a reminiscent digital space by employing delicate depictions.

営業時間:12:00-19:00 (最終日は18:00まで)
〒113-0034 東京都文京区湯島4-6-12 湯島ハイタウンB棟1F
TEL: 03-3812-4712
Opening hours: 12:00-19:00 (until 18:00 on the last day)
Venue: roid works gallery
Yushima Hightown B 1F, 4-6-12 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan
tel: +81 (0)3-3812-4712
Open with googlemap
For inquiries and purchase requests for artworks, please visit the AaP website