木原千春個展『Vitalism XII』


木原千春 個展 『Vitalism XII』Part 1は終了しました

木原千春 個展『Vitalism XII』
会期 / Dates: 2024.12.14-2025.1.8
営業時間 / Hours: 11:00-19:00 (12.31 & Final Day until 18:00)
休廊日 / Closed: 月曜(1月1日は全館休館日) / Mondays (Closed 1.1)
詳細 / Info: https://store.tsite.jp/ginza/

木原千春 個展 『Vitalism XII』Part 1
会期 / Dates: 2024.12.21-12.29 (Open Daily)
営業時間 / Hours: 12:00-19:00 (Final Day until 18:00)

木原千春 個展『Vitalism XII』 Part 2 – Early Works
会期 / Dates: 2025.1.6-1.13 (Open Daily)
営業時間 / Hours: 12:00-19:00 (Final Day until 18:00)

2024年も残り僅かとなりました。 この一年、AaP/roidworksgalleryをご愛顧賜り誠に有難うございました。 年末恒例となりました木原千春個展『Vitalism XII』を今年も開催致します。







このたび開催される「Vitalism XII」は、25年の画業を記念し、彼女のこれまでとこれからを照らす場。銀座蔦屋書店とroidworksgalleryの二会場で発表される50余点の新作は、それぞれが生き物として独立しながらも、一つの大きな生命体として共鳴し合うことでしょう。


roidworksgallery  井浦歳和

The year 2024 is quickly coming to a close. We sincerely thank you for your continued support of AaP/roidworksgallery over the past year. 
As is our year-end tradition, we are delighted to announce the annual solo exhibition of Chiharu Kihara, “Vitalism XII”, to be held once again this year.

Have you ever heard the sound of life pulsating on a canvas?

Chiharu Kihara’s paintings unveil the invisible hidden within the visible. Her brushstrokes embody both the spontaneous impulses that surge from her fingertips and the meticulous calculations of her artistic mind. Her work exudes a naturalness, akin to the wind swaying the trees, while simultaneously possessing the strength of a tree trunk deeply rooted in the earth.

What does it mean to paint “life”? In Kihara’s work, energy is captured within forms, and freedom is unleashed within lines. The living creatures she frequently portrays-plants and animals, particularly the supple forms and luminous eyes of cats-transcend mere motifs to become manifestations of vitality itself. These beings, rendered through her brush, seem to spring to life in an instant, leaving all who stand before her paintings with an unmistakable sense of breath and presence.

At the core of Kihara’s creative process is a sense of openness, a fluid interplay between the interior and exterior of the canvas. She explains, “If you overwork it, the painting resists. Like finding a pressure point, I aim to hit the mark and let the painting leap out from the surface.” Through this dialogue with her art, she resists over-manipulation, leaving space for the painting to find its own path. This intentional space becomes a doorway for the viewer’s imagination, fostering new narratives between the artwork and its audience.

The term “Vitalism” conveys meanings such as “vitalism” or “life force theory,” but for Kihara, it transcends philosophical discourse. It is a direct inquiry into the essence of life embedded in every drop of paint-a meditation on existence, often imbued with love and prayer. The phrase “a single moment, a lifetime,” spoken by her fellow hometown artist Yasuo Kazuki, seems to resonate powerfully in the very strokes of Kihara’s brush.

The upcoming exhibition, “Vitalism XII”, celebrates 25 years of Kihara’s artistic journey, shining a light on both her past and future. Featuring over 50 new works displayed across two venues-Ginza Tsutaya Books and roidworksgallery-this collection reflects a harmonious interplay of individual pieces, each an autonomous life form, yet resonating together as part of a grand, living entity.

We warmly invite you to witness the radiance of “living” through her art. It would be our greatest pleasure to share this luminous moment with you.

roidworksgallery  Toshikazu Iura

145.5×112.0cm (F80)
oil on canvas
100.0×80.3cm (F40)
oil on canvas
72.7×60.6cm (F20)
oil on canvas

木原千春 画業25周年記念作品集刊行
The 25th anniversary of Chiharu Kihara’s career is celebrated with the publication of a collection of her paintings.

木原千春 作品集「Vitalism」
芸術新聞社 発行
●通常版 税込3,300円
●オリジナル版画付特装版 税込24,200円
Chiharu Kihara Collection of Works :Vitalism
GeijutsuShinbunsha Co., Ltd.
Normal edition: JPY3,300 (tax incl.)
Special edition with original prints: JPY24,200 (tax incl.)

Please check the catalogue details and order your copy here:


営業時間:12:00-19:00 (最終日は18:00まで)
〒113-0034 東京都文京区湯島4-6-12 湯島ハイタウンB棟1F
TEL: 03-3812-4712

Opening hours: 12:00-19:00 (until 18:00 on the last day)
Venue: roid works gallery
Yushima Hightown B 1F, 4-6-12 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan
tel: +81 (0)3-3812-4712
Open with googlemap


For inquiries and purchase requests for artworks, please visit the AaP website
