About Us


  • roidworksgallery has been conducting art exhibition planning since its opening in 2009 in Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, which is near Ueno, with a focus on capturing the spirit of the times. Furthermore, in 2020, we established the art project AaP/roidworksgallery with the aim of exploring new approaches to art in the modern era and realizing their potential. Starting from this project, we promise to create spaces that combine storytelling and communication, infused with contemporary elements, by fully leveraging the latest technology and integrating various media.

    We also ensure the selection of artworks that can be appreciated across generations. AaP/roidworksgallery, led by Toshikazu Iura, president of roidworksgallery, and Jun Nose, art director (co-president of AaP), continues to support the ongoing activities of the next generation of artists while constantly embarking on new challenges together with them. We sincerely hope that as many people as possible will support our endeavors and the diverse artists we work with.
  • 美術品査定、買取、取引全般の業務をベースに、時代性を意識した展示企画を行なっております。
  • 毎月一回、東京・銀座で美術商交換会「いちいち会」を主宰、 国内の様々なアートディーラーの方々にお集まりいただいております。


代表 井浦歳和 Toshikazu Iura



AaP | Art and Pulse

 世界中のギャラリー街のひとつひとつのギャラリーにセレクションと個性がある様に、AaP独自にセレクションした作家をその時その時のテックを可能な限り活用して、アートギャラリーとして出来なくなったことを数えるのではなく、出来ることを増やして行く。 コミュニケーションのある場をオンラインに展開していきます。

Each gallery in gallery districts around the world possesses its own unique selection and personality. Art Project AaP endeavors to enhance the potential of an art gallery by showcasing artists that we have uniquely selected, utilizing the latest technologies as much as possible. We aim to create a space for communication and expand it online.

オフィシャルLINE :AaPアーティストの展覧会、作品情報などを配信いたします。様々な特典もご用意する予定でので、ぜひご登録下さい。


BSフジ 毎週火曜日 21:55~放送中!

We produce a Japanese TV program that is currently being broadcast on BS Fuji every Tuesday at 21:55. It is a five-minute program that introduces works, creative processes, passions, and private lives of artists who may be on the verge of breaking out into the world in a few years – truly ‘pre-breakthrough’ artists.

Access and Contact info

  • 東京メトロ千代田線 湯島駅 徒歩2分
  • 東京メトロ銀座線・大江戸線 上野広小路駅 徒歩5分
  • JR 御徒町駅 徒歩7分
  • JR 上野駅 徒歩10分
  • Yushima Station
    • Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line (1 min.)
  • Ueno-hirokoji Station
    • Tokyo Metro Ginza Line (4 min.)

東京都文京区湯島4-6-12 湯島ハイタウンB棟1F

1F Yushima High Town B-tou 4-6-12, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0034, JAPAN


+81 (0)3-3812-4712